12 Grooming tips for bald men
Ah, the glorious dome.
It’s a planetarium of knowledge with its very own library inside. And the best part? It’s your head that commands this kind of respect, adoration, and praise from your peers. But scholars, we all know it’s no easy task to keep your bald head clean, smooth, and shine-free. That’s why we’ve put together this helpful guide.
From our domes to yours’, here’s 12 great grooming tips for bald men.
For skin to be healthy, it needs to be moisturized. Do it every day, and you’ll reduce extreme dryness, oiliness, and hide skin blemishes. It’s especially important for your scalp when first shaved bare because those pores need some time to get used to the limelight. Make sure you don’t overdo it up there, especially if your hair was historically oily as you don’t want to suffocate the pores. Consider your dome to now be part of your face and treat it with the same care, whether that’s with a designated bald head moisturizer or one meant for your face.
The sun is now the enemy.
In the days of ‘yore, your hair would emerge victorious from glorious combat with UV rays day-in and day-out. Now those hairs are gone and your scalp needs reinforcement.
SPF is your new best pal that you can use in a couple different ways.
Either mix an SPF-rated sunscreen with facial moisturizer, or use a moisturizer that contains SPF and apply that to your head before going out in the sun. Go with a matte finish on either or both solutions so your dome doesn’t shine too brightly.
And if you’re running short on time, just make sure you always have a hat, beanie, ballcap, fedora, or cowboy hat at the ready.
Is it temporary or permanent?
If you plan on growing your hair back and are just trying out a new look, take special care. Make sure you’re moisturizing, sunscreening, and wearing a hat to keep those pores healthy. You don’t want to go bald for the look of it, then find out later you have no choice in the matter.
You must clean the dome.
For cleansing, consider your scalp as an extension of your face, or even as the canvas where your hair once thrived. It’s your choice between a hydrating shampoo or a facial cleanser. For shampoo, go for one that pampers and moisturizes. And if you lean towards a cleanser, ensure it's exclusively designed for the face, not the body. Our top pick? Cleansers featuring salicylic acid—they not only balance oil levels but also ward off unwanted shine. Plus, they're excellent exfoliators!
Get a razor built for the job.
While we applaud the absolute legends wielding a safety razor on their heads, we recommend a tool that pivots and glides along the curves of your scalp. Even better, go for a palm-held shaver meticulously crafted for the task of navigating your entire scalp. This ensures a seamless, smooth process—quite literally. Choose a tool that masters every contour.
Get an electric trimmer, even if you think you never need it.
Tackling a daily polished dome can be a challenge, so we recommend making it easier with an electric shaver. Picture this: a device so ergonomic, you might even try shaving your dome with your eyes closed*. Find an electric trimmer that glides, never breaking your skin's surface—helping you avoid nicks, cuts, ingrown hairs, and irritation. You might just need a daily touch-up without getting as close as the razor, and that’s exactly the role an electric trimmer fits. One minute and you're set, leaving those 10-15 minute dome shaving struggles behind.
*We strongly recommend shaving with your eyes open.
Procure an additional mirror.
Covid was wild.
And even if you became a professional self-barber during that time, we can’t recommend shaving your dome blindly. So, get a second mirror. Use that mirror to see your dome blind spots and get after it like a farmer hand-threshing his wheat fields. Again, it’s not a necessity, but sometimes doing it the hard way just ain’t worth it.
Exfoliate your thinker.
Even if you haven’t heard of or used an exfoliant, the duchess in your life definitely has. So, borrow some from your lady, sister, mother, or grandma and give it a try.
Exfoliants feel incredible, and a scalp scrub is a great step towards keeping your head smooth and avoiding acne breakouts. Some exfoliating cleansers feature fine particles that rub away dull and dead skin cells, while others are formulated with acids to help free dead cells on the skin’s surface.
Whichever you choose, make sure you’re paying attention to how your skin feels during and after. Some experts recommend only using it once or twice a week, but that’s if you plan on leaving it on your skin all day long. We recommend just throwing it on in the shower, waiting for five to ten minutes to let it do its work while you wash your bits, then rinse off the exfoliating cleanser.
Be the stealth, not the shine.
Oily scalp skin is naturally shiny. It’s a thing. So, you’ll want an anti-shine product or two on-hand. We recommend something like a mattifying primer that can be worn under a moisturizer, or just a mattifying moisturizer. A lot of MANSCAPED® customers also like to bring around anti-shine blotting papers—just in case they start blinding passers-by. If you don’t have these, a wet wipe or two will do the same job.
Fight the fungus.
You may not have been a dandruff fellow in years past, but it’s smart to use an antifungal product at least once a month to prevent such an outbreak. It’s especially important on a bald head because the peeling and flaking will be even more evident with no hair to cover it up. Honestly, if you’re using an exfoliant regularly, you’re at significantly less risk already, but to be safe you could work an antifungal shampoo into your dome care routine. This will dash any future the fungus may have on your skin and, if you get a shampoo that contains Ketoconazole and Zinc Pyrithione, you’ll also be on your way to preventing dermatitis.
It’s all in the details.
A lot of bald men don’t pay enough attention to the finer details of hair care. They don’t realize that, now that you lack a head of hair, the other hairs on your head become much more noticeable when they’re out of place. So clip away that nose hair and trim that ear hair as these little guys will be screaming at whoever you’re having a conversation with. Next, make sure you tidy up your eyebrows and pluck out any outstanding offenders.
Rock what you got.
You can definitely rock the completely shaven look, but when you’re ready to try out something new, we recommend giving facial hair a try. There are so many great looks out there to model, and today, we’ve curated some of the best for you:
Try taking William Shakespeare for a spin.
Too much chin hair? How ‘bout some Ghandi?
Want something more evolutionary? Our guy Charles Darwin may have what you’re looking for.
Over 100,000,000 people have visited Vladimir Lenin’s tomb, and it’s probably because of that ‘stachebeard.
Or maybe you’re more of the Ambrose Everett Burnside aficionado, he coined the term “sideburns”.
There are so many great facial hair options out there for bald and balding men, and the great part is—you don’t have to choose just one. Mix, match, emulate, and repeat to your heart’s desire. And just remember what Dolly Parton said:
“I love bald men. Just because you’ve lost your fuzz don’t mean you ain’t a peach.”