24 Grooming Resolutions for Men
‘Nother year, ‘nother resolution. Committing to one resolution is hard enough, so we’re casting a wide net hoping that improving just one of these 24 grooming resolutions for 2024 will improve your daily life that little bit more. A well-groomed man is a more comfortable, confident man.
1. Revamp your trimming kit.
Get the tools you need to trim the way you want. Whether that’s a new ball trimmer, beard shaper, face razor, or taint shaver. Having the right tools for the job makes it that much easier to walk around the world in complete confidence.
Buy a single tool to fill your specific shaving niche, or get an entire trimming kit to revitalize your entire experience.
2. Exfoliate, exfoliate, exfoliate.
Buzz word or not, this stuff is important.
Exfoliation is a skincare process that removes dead skin cells from the skin's surface. Physical exfoliation relies on scrubs and brushes, while chemical methods use acids or enzymes. Regular exfoliation improves skin texture, brightens the complexion, and reduces the visibility of pores.
You can overdo it, so make sure to exfoliate in moderation to avoid irritation and damage to the skin barrier. This is the year you test out different formulations to see what works for your skin and try exfoliants meant specifically for your balls!
3. Treat those feet.
Whether it’s a pedicure, foot peel, or just giving them a great wash—2024 is the year you start taking care of your feet. If you have ingrown toenails, it’s best to take those bad boys over to the local pedicurist/nail salon. They’ll have the right tools to get the job done, all as your feet soak in some nice warm water and the professionals talk about how soft your “baby feet” are.
It’s a good time.
4. Make your smile shine.
Do it right, without harmful whitening solutions or dyes. This could even be as simple as booking your next dentist appointment today. *hint hint*
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
5. Cold shower, brother.
Cold showers have various benefits, like boosting circulation and increasing alertness. Studies show that changing temperature from extreme heat to extreme cold can kick start your nervous system and help alleviate muscle soreness. Not to mention it improves skin and hair health by closing pores and promoting shinier hair.
Start with just a minute in the cold shower to see if you can manage your heart rate. It’s addictive.
This is the year you embrace temporary discomfort, brother.
6. Keep up on hair upkeep.
Shampoo your hair, clean out your pores, use exfoliants to keep your scalp healthy and your hair growing and full. This could mean trying out new products, getting more frequent haircuts, scalp massages, or trying out a 2-in-1 Shampoo & Conditioner.
7. Destroy bad breath.
This goes along with a trip to the dentist, but if you keep your mouth clean, floss and brush your teeth AND tongue, and have some mouthwash before you go out, you won’t have to worry about bad breath. This way you can have those intimate conversations without telling them everything about your personal hygiene and dental care.
8. It’s burly brow season.
Luscious, bushy brows are back, baby. Use our SHEARS 3.0 to maintain the outskirts of your eyebrow crop, and a great eyebrow growth or eyelash serum to get those brow hairs nice and voluminous.
9. Become a pimple pro.
It’s addicting to pop pimples, we get it. And you’re way ahead of the curve if you don’t pop them. But it’s 2024, and it’s the year you start using smart ways to get rid of pimples like Salicylic acid. Apply this topically and let the chemical do its work.
10. New year, happy beard.
Try styling your beard this year with some purpose-built styling pomade.
Your beard will thank you. It’s as if your individual hair strands are munching on beeswax, sweet almond oil, and shea butter. Those ingredients might not sound delectable to you, but your beard hairs? To them it’s the finest of cuisines. It’s a great way to keep your beard healthy while making sure it stays the way you styled it in the morning.
11. Ball aftershave.
We get it. You shave your ball hairs.
But how well do you take care of that sensitive skin after all is said and done? Luckily, some companies have developed ball aftershave lotion specifically for use below the waist. Give yourself a satisfying, cooling sensation that puts all your now-hairless pores at ease.
12. Become a smooth operator.
If you’re looking for a low-drag, high-speed start to your year this 2024, consider trimming your pubes.
Because when you feel confident and smooth, you ARE confident and smooth. And there’s the added benefit that as you take more care of your bits, you’ll more-likely catch bumps and lumps that can lead to testicular cancer—which is vital to catch early.
13. Buff your body (and face).
Using a physical buffer on your skin when showering has a ton of benefits. It helps remove oil, dead skin, and other impurities the quick scrub with a bar of soap won’t do by itself.
Plus, it just feels good.
14. Use some eye cream.
Take care of your eyes this year, it’s what the optometrist ordered.
Eye cream provides essential hydration to the delicate skin around the eyes, preventing dryness and minimizing the risk of wrinkles. Formulated with ingredients like caffeine, chamomile, vitamin C, or retinol it can help reduce puffiness and under-eye bags.
15. Feel those feet peel.
A foot peel offers the benefits of exfoliating and removing dead skin cells, leaving your feet smoother and softer. It removes calluses, rough patches, and dry skin—which helps whenever you get that next foot massage. (Ask for it for your birthday, anniversary, Good Friday.)
Additionally, some foot peels contain moisturizing ingredients, contributing to improved hydration and a more refreshed appearance.
16. Treat your scalp.
Scalp treatment solutions like tea tree oil provide antibacterial benefits, addressing issues like dandruff and itchiness. Coconut oil offers hydration and helps combat dryness, particularly beneficial for those with damaged hair. Apple cider vinegar balances pH levels and controls oil production, promoting a healthier scalp environment.
17. Acquire some secret serum.
Serums will elevate your 2024 grooming routine by targeting specific skincare concerns, such as hydration and anti-aging. Their lightweight formulations make them easy to incorporate, providing effective pre-shave or post-shave care. By delivering potent ingredients exactly where they are needed, serums completely transform your grooming experience.
18. Face scrub-a-dub-dub.
The ancient Egyptians famously rubbed their faces with pumice stones to exfoliate their pores, and thankfully, men of 2024 have much less abrasive options.
Try a face scrub with physical exfoliating beads in it or try the chemical route with scrubs containing acids like glycolic or salicylic acid. If this is your year to become more natural, try enzyme-based products using natural fruit enzymes. Some cleansers and masks also incorporate exfoliating properties, providing a dual cleansing and renewing effect.
Make sure you choose the right exfoliator for your skin type and pay attention to how your skin feels after each option. This way you avoid potential irritation and over-exfoliation.
19. Party in the front (and back).
Grooming resolution #19: try growing your hair out a bit.
It’s now the style to have slightly longer hair that still makes you look like you’re put together. Start by washing your hair, then let it grow out but keep that monthly haircut appointment on your calendar. Leave it longer in the back and on top, trim the sides a bit, sharpen up that facial hair, and you’re good to go.
20. Swear fealty to the solar gods.
We all have a boss. But who’s your boss’s boss?
It’s the sun.
It can broil your skin like the surface of a salmon filet while at the same time giving you a truly glowing radiance. That’s why this year, protect your face with a moisturizer or lotion with real SPF capability. Cancer.org lists the minimum SPF requirement as 30, so start there.
21. Come to your scentses.
A wise philosopher once said, “If you smell different, you ARE different.” And without even fact-checking, we fully agree.
Try some new fragrances this year, whether that’s a new deodorant, cologne, or body wash. A great deodorant—preferably without stain-causing silver—can help you avoid body odor, and can throw a splash of whatever scent you like on top. Body wash is, well, body wash. So pick one with a great scent, wash, and repeat. Cologne seems like the furthest leap for most men because it’s somehow lumped in with perfume, traditionally used and marketed towards women. At this thought I implore you to think about the baddest mofo you ever knew when you were a kid: your grandpa.
Grandpa probably had a great cologne, so at least give it a try.
22. Try new ways to shave.
You’ve got the cartridge method in the bag, so break out and try something new this year.
Take the single-blade, double-edge safety razor for example. It’s sharper than your cartridge, the replacement blades are way cheaper, and it has that days-gone-by nostalgia about it. Done with razors altogether? Try an electric foil shaver. Good ones have one blade to cut the <10mm hairs, then a foil right behind it to get your shave skin-smooth.
23. Embrace the beard oil ritual
If you are a bearded man, try out beard oil this year.
It helps moisturize your beard, enhances the fragrance, helps it lie the way you want, and promotes healthy hair growth. A little goes a long way, though, so start with a bit in your hand and smooth out your beard top to bottom.
24. Self-massage your pains away.
Regular massage is part of grooming. So, start with your hands lightly massaging your neck, shoulders, jaw, face, and head. These areas are easy to reach and don’t require too much pressure, so self-massage can be particularly helpful. For those harder areas, invest in a foam roller, Theragun, and lacrosse ortennis balls. These are different aids to help put more pressure on other sore areas you can’t reach with your hands.