Everyone needs the best razor they can get for grooming — especially below the waist. When you have sensitive skin, these needs compound pretty quickly. Medical conditions like psoriasis can make shaving much more complicated for most people, and you need good options.
Regardless of what makes your skin sensitive, it's vital to know what you can do to cut hair without bringing harm to your flesh, and that brings us to an age-old question. What's better, an electric razor or safety razor? There is a clear winner when it comes to sensitive skin, and we think it's The Lawn Mower® 4.0 trimmer. We won't leave it there. Let's discuss the most important considerations for people with sensitive skin and see why the electric razor is so much better for this particular population segment.

The safer blade
Electric trimmers and razors, in general, cause fewer cuts than even the best safety razors; this is a matter of engineering. Electric blades oscillate or rotate at high speeds. Because of that, they're designed with features that keep a little more space between you and the blades than a standard safety razor.
With The Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer, this extra safety is called SkinSafe® technology. It's engineered to make the trimmer safer than any non-electric razor blade.
So, when thinking about sensitive skin, this is the most crucial point. Cuts are never fun, but they're extra nasty when you have sensitive skin. The swelling, redness, and irritation can be downright frustrating, so it's better to avoid cuts at all costs.
And cuts aren't always deep enough to draw blood. Razor blades can create micro-cuts in your skin, possibly leading to some irritation when you shave. If you switch to electric, you'll get fewer of these micro-cuts, and the irritation continues to lessen.
A longer cut
In shaving, it's always about getting the shortest cut possible. That's a little short-sighted (pun intended). A smooth shave certainly has its place in the world, and we won't begrudge anyone pursuing a close shave. But, if you have sensitive skin, creating a little space between your skin and the blade can be a good thing. While electric razors already reduce the risk of cuts, using a cutting guard multiplies your safety. You can get a very close trim that isn't so close that you maintain a chance of making your skin raw from contact with the blade.
There's a second issue at play here. Hair length can contribute to irritation, too. When you cut your hair below the surface of your skin (a.k.a. a quick shave), your hair — sharpened by the razor blade — has to claw its way back through the surface of your skin; this can cause razor bumps, redness, itchiness, and irritation in general. If you don't cut the hair quite so short, this minimizes these side effects.
Even then, you have to worry about stubble. It's usually fine on a face or legs, but in your groin area, your stubble is going to rub against the hardware you have down there. It will not feel good. Do yourself a favor and leave the hair long enough that it isn't sanding or poking your flesh.
The Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer features new cutting guards and lengths. You can find the perfect length that looks great and feels even better.

No more snagging
One of the downfalls of traditional razors is that they clog with hair somewhat easily, with means there's some effort directed towards tied trying to remove hair from the blade so you can get back to what you were doing. If you don't, you're going to suffer tugs, cuts, and misery. Plus, the blade just plain stops cutting when it's covered in too much hair.
A motorized blade cuts into these problems (pun intended). If it has good and sharp blades with a fast enough motor, the electric razor will easily mow through whatever hair you put in front of it. When you reduce the risk of snagging, you have a more comfortable experience all around. You also further reduce the risk of cuts and irritation caused by snagging, so you're winning all around.
Here's the bottom line. Some people shy away from electric razors because they think they can't get a close shave. Technically speaking, razor blades can get a little closer than an electric trimmer, so use them when you want an extra-close shave. That small difference is what makes the electric option softer on your skin. Besides, the freedom to cut your hair as short or long as you like is invaluable. When you take the right option for your grooming goals, you'll look amazing, and your whole life will be more comfortable.