Everyone has a preference on whether they use an electric shaver or a razor to shave. However, our bet is that you use one instead of the other because that’s what you were taught. When you were a wee lad starting to get that face fuzz, someone handed you either a razor or an electric shaver, and you never looked back.
We want you to open your eyes though. It’s a big, beautiful world out there and not only does that mean you have a choice (gasp!), but there are actually benefits to both. Yes, that’s a shocker, we know…you can use both. And this is not just applicable to that pretty face of yours, this goes for body hair and the groin area bits.
As a grown (or growing) man with facial, body and ball hair, we really want you to think through your options here and use the correct tool for Pete’s sake.
If you already have and use both an electric shaver and a razor, bravo, but keep reading because we think you’ll still learn a thing or two about the pros and cons of the electric shaver vs. razer debate, how it applies to wet vs. dry shaving, and which you should ultimately choose.
Electric shavers
Technology is awesome. Electric shavers not only deliver a precise shave, but they allow for a fast shave. They have different settings and accessories that trim at just the length you want, and they’re easy to use. You don’t need a lot of finely-tuned skills to work an electric shaver and it allows you to adopt several shaving methods. Meaning a lot of people like them because they don’t need to worry about nicks and cuts in sensitive skin areas.
Most modern electric razors are also super portable. Small enough to fit in a travel kit, the majority on the market run on rechargeable batteries which can be very beneficial for most in the long run.
Electric shavers are pretty low maintenance—they don’t need water, shaving cream or soap to do the job. You can go into the bathroom, pick up the shaver, and have at it. Trim, trim, trim; you’re done. Another bonus is that you're less likely to get razor burn or skin irritation when using an electric razor as you're not getting as close to your hair follicles.
Also, bonus time — they’re easy to clean (at least the good ones are). Many electrical razors come as a packaged kit and include things like cleaning brushes, but these simple creatures just need to be wiped down or rinsed off.
While we’re a little biased, let’s take a look at our popular electric shaver, The Lawn Mower 4.0, for example:
- It’s sleek, lightweight, and easy to hold (we’ve gone through the design four different times now, so you’re getting the best)
- It not only has a battery, but this thing charges wirelessly (we know, we’re fancy)
- The blades are ceramic which means they are sharp, won’t pull hair, and are rust-resistant
- The blades are replaceable and we have options for fresh blade refills
- The shaver kit includes adjustable guards for trimming and a brush for cleaning
- Even though you don’t have to use water, this shaver is still waterproof which means you can use it as easily in the shower or not (we do want to mention that shaving in the shower does have the added benefit of washing off all that hair and down the drain it goes)
- And it even comes with a nifty little instruction book, just to help you out if needed
Now that you have an idea for the right tool for a trim, let’s move on to the tool that will give you that oh-so-smooth feel.
Razors & blades
Razors get the job done. They are sharp and give you what we in the industry call a “close shave,” meaning they cut hair directly at the surface of your skin. By cutting hair so close, razors also remove dead skin cells (called exfoliation), and this is what leaves faces and other body parts feeling smooth.
Razors are simple tools and involve a handle, a blade, and a system for holding the blade in place. Because they have sharp, exposed blades though, razors tend to need a little more finesse than an electric shaver. People who use a razor have probably cut or nicked themselves (and the risk is there), but with a little dab of toilet paper, the bleeding stops.
Due to their close shave, razors also need to be used with soap and water, or even better, shaving gel or cream. A dry shave is a recipe for disaster with a razor because it cuts so close to your skin. Dry shaving means a lot more friction between the blade and the skin and can cause painful and unsightly rashes and ingrown hairs.
Using water with soap or gel is what we call a wet shave. Wet shaves allow hair to get softer which makes them easier to cut. Gels and soaps also provide a layer for the razor to glide on, meaning it moves along the skin easier. Many shaving gels and creams also include some type of hydration ingredient and also smell nice — check and check.
And yes, you know we’ve got you covered in the razor area as well, so let’s check out The Plow 2.0 for your facial hair:
- It looks good and features a brass handle with zinc alloy head, both designed for easy cleaning and to be rust-resistant
- This is a single-blade razor which means the blades are replaceable (and of course, we have refill options)
- The blades cut at an angle that is designed to maximize glide and reduce friction
- Our technology gives an extremely close shave with the idea that you should only need to shave an area once: one stroke and done
- And just a reminder to use this razor with soap and water or shaving gel/cream
For the groin area, we’ve got The Crop Shaver to feature. This razor is designed for a little more…flexibility. Because we know you want to probably see your balls as you’re shaving them, we also have Crop Gel (you’re welcome).
Bottom line: electric shavers vs. razor blades (wet vs. dry shaving)
So, what’s the right answer? Should you dry shave or wet shave? When using The Lawn Mower, you’ll get the same results either way. Wet shaving in the shower consolidates your routine and saves time, but sometimes, dry shaving is better (especially if you don’t want to get wet).
As for using The Plow, you should always wet shave. Dry shaving with a raw blade is miserable. The wet shave with The Plow gives you the closest shave. That is, if smoothness is your goal.
Other than that, it’s really about what you like the most. Try them both, and design your own routine. After all, this is about making you feel great.