If you’ve ever shaved your balls, you learned two important lessons. First, being free of pubic hair is great. That stuff is annoying and irritating, and we’re all happier without it. The second lesson you learned is that it grows back, and keeping it at bay can be rough on the downstairs neighbors. It leads many guys to the same question. How often should you be shaving down there? We have the definitive answer for you.
As little as you can get away with
Here’s the thing about shaving. It can be irritating to your skin. Even when you use the best razor in the world with amazing shaving gel and the whole nine, the process can be hard on your skin. The key to grooming is to figure out how to get the results you want while minimizing inflammation, irritation, and skin damage. And which products can minimize said irritation.
Sometimes, it is ideal to shave things down, but it’s also important to let them grow out a bit. You shouldn’t return to a full mountain man bushy between grooming sessions, but a little bit of growth is fine. If you can reasonably put more time between shaves, that’s good for your skin.
Assess your furriness
The simple fact is that guys grow their hair at different rates. That’s a normal thing, and you should adjust your grooming sessions to match your hair growth. Some guys have to shave every week. Some guys only have to shave once a month.
Very few guys will need to shave multiple times a week (we have a different recommendation for them in the next section). Most guys will end up shaving three to four times a month for the best results. It’s a matter of figuring out when your hair is long enough to cause discomfort (mental or physical discomfort), and figuring out how to give your skin extra time to recoup between sessions.
There’s an easy trick that helps with the issue of time.
Grooming doesn’t have to include shaving
To give your skin a rest, you can rotate between shaving and just trimming the pubes. If your hair grows extra fast, consider shaving every other time you groom and only trimming between shaves. You can even abandon shaving altogether and focus on trimming instead. That allows you to stay aggressive with hair control without putting so much strain on your sensitive skin.
This is viable even if you aren’t super hairy. If you ever feel like your skin needs a break, just stick with the trimmer and keep things simple. You can always shave when your skin feels up to it.
Don’t forget about skincare
Perfecting the timing between shaves is a lot easier when you take good care of your skin. We’ll cover a few best practices that will ultimately give you a lot more freedom in how you approach shaving.
Shower better
The key to recovering from a shave is a good shower. The first thing you need to understand about showering is exfoliation. You don’t need to exfoliate more than once a week, but you should plan to exfoliate after every shave. This will clear your pores to reduce the risk of ingrown hairs. It also ensures that you get every last irritating hair clipping off of your body.
The second thing you need to understand is an effective cleanser. You need soap that helps to restore your skin. After a shave, one of the most important things is to reset your pH and restore the acid mantle. Crop Cleanser™ is a groin cleanser that can help you accomplish this.
Lastly, your showers should hydrate your skin. You might think that running water over your flesh is enough to do this, but that’s not the case. Tap water will exacerbate dry skin, so make sure your body wash is hydrating.
Use lotion
A good body wash helps with skin moisture, but you need to use lotion on most of your body. For the groin region, things are a little less black and white. Your balls can get pretty damp through the day, so lotion under the shorts isn’t always the best choice. It is possible to over-moisturize and cause problems down there.
That said, plenty of guys do suffer from dry skin around the special parts. If you notice dry, flakey or itchy skin, then lotion is your friend. The more you shave, the more likely you are to suffer from dry skin, so keep it in mind.
Manage friction
Shaving will make your skin more sensitive. It’s a normal reaction. That means that after a shave, you need to take care to reduce the stress you put on your flesh. For a man’s private area, friction is a major problem — especially if you’re sweaty.
You can alleviate this issue with a friction-reducing ball deodorant: Crop Preserver®. This ball deodorant will help you maintain a healthy level of moisture and keep you cool and feeling loose throughout the day. It minimizes additional irritation on your skin, leaving you much more comfortable on shaving day.
Soothe the skin
Sometimes, even when you manage the friction, you still get irritated skin. Razor bumps can happen to sensitive skin no matter how careful you are. The last weapon in your arsenal is Crop Reviver® toner. This gentle toner has aloe vera and other agents that help to soothe your skin. You can take the sting out of the process and rapidly improve your recovery time after you shave.
So, how often should you shave your pubes? The answer is that you should shave often enough to feel comfortable and as infrequently as you possibly can otherwise. That’s the magic middle ground, and when you take good care of yourself, you’ll find that shaving isn’t such a pain.