The Weed Whacker® 2.0 trimmer was designed to make nose and ear hair maintenance easy. Those irritating tufts don't have to ruin your life. You can just grab your trimmer and get the job done. That said, all good tools require a little bit of maintenance. With the Weed Whacker® 2.0 nose and ear hair trimmer, you want to know how to replace the blade. It's a simple process, but we'll take you through a tutorial to remove any doubt.
Why should you replace the blade on your nose hair trimmer?
Why do you ever replace anything? You do it because parts wear out. Even with a nose hair trimmer, that inevitability remains true. When razors (even electric razors) cut hair, they eventually go dull. It's the most common reason to replace a blade, and it happens all the time. If your trimmer isn't cutting as fast as it used to, or it starts pulling your hair when you trim, it's time for a new blade.
There's a second reason to replace the blade that is particularly relevant to nose hair removal. We're talking about hygiene. You can and should sanitize your trimmer after every use, but in the interest of saving time, it can help to have separate blades that you rotate. You do not want to use the trimmer on your nose and ear in succession or share with another person like you girlfriend without sanitizing. That's a great way to get a brutal infection.
How to replace the blade on your Weed Whacker® 2.0 ear & nose hair trimmer

We tried to make this as easy as possible. You can probably figure the process out on your own. It doesn't take a mechanical genius. Still, we like to be helpful, so we've reduced the entire process down to four easy steps.
- Grab the head of the trimmer and twist counterclockwise. You should feel it slide as it starts to come free.
- Pull the trimmer head off. There's nothing tricky here. Once you unlock it, the head comes off easily.
- Shake out any loose hairs that got in the trimmer. To make your life easier, do this over the trash.
- Place your new head on and twist clockwise until it clicks into place. That's it. You're done.
How to replace the blade on the Weed Whacker® 2.0 video overview:
Trimming your nose hairs with your new blade
Now that you have a shiny new blade, you're itching to use it, literally. You can trim your nose hairs into submission with ease. We're going to lay out the steps in a moment, but before we do, here are a few tips. First, nose hair is useful, so you're not on an assassination mission up in your nostrils. You just want to tame the hair.
Second, we designed this trimmer to be safe, but nothing is safe in your nose if you get too aggressive. Be gentle, and let the trimmer do all of the work.
Clean out your nose
Anything in your nose when you trim can end up on or in the trimmer blade head. Think that through. You don't want a trimmer full of snot, so take care of that before you groom.
Soften your nose hairs using a wet cloth
You don't want to take your nose hairs all the way down to bald. They're useful. You just want to trim the ones that are irritating and/or unsightly. Those hairs are easy to reach with a warm, wet cloth, so you don't have to reinvent the nose plug for this step.
Insert the nose hair trimmer into one nostril and turn it on
You can turn on the trimmer before you insert it in your nostril, but it vibrates and can make the process a little awkward. It's much easier to insert before powering on.
Rotate the Weed Whacker® 2.0 trimmer around gently
The Weed Whacker® 2.0 trimmer is designed to cut your hair without taking them down too short. Just bring it in contact with your nose hairs. It's a fairly automated setup, so there's not much to worry about.
Repeat for the second nostril
That's really it. You don't need special techniques for each side.
Clean by removing the head
You want to clean the blade head after every trim. Even if you did clear your nose, you can still easily get mucus or other unpleasantness on your trimmer. Pop off the head and clean it properly. It will last longer, smell better and be the superior process overall.
Trimming your ear hair with your new blade

We can't explain nose hair trimming and then leave you hanging with tufts of hair falling out of your ears. The process for trimming your ears is extremely similar to that of your nose. It is much, much easier to hurt your ears than your nose. There is a clear entrance into your inner ear. You don't need to push into it. If you ignore this warning, you can seriously harm yourself. The Weed Whacker® 2.0 trimmer is designed to be too big to go past where it should, but if you're stubborn enough, you can outwit our safety features.
Clean out your ears of any wax
Ear wax is gross. Cleaning your ears can be pretty similar to cleaning your nose. Still, cleaning ear wax is not like blowing your nose. It's very easy to make things worse if you don't use good techniques, so follow professional advice when you clean your ears.
Soften your ear hairs using a wet cloth
You do not need to trim deep inner ear hair. The purpose of this trimmer is to clip hair that is visible to other people. That hair is easily accessible. If you try to force the trimmer down the ear canal, you're going to hurt yourself. So, any hair you want to trim is accessible by a wet cloth.
Insert the ear & nose hair trimmer into one ear and turn it on
The gist of this step is that you're working the outer ear, not the ear canal. You can get up into the entrance, but you don't want to push past it. When the trimmer gets loud in your ear, that's a sign to stop going further.
Rotate the Weed Whacker® 2.0 trimmer around gently
The actual process of cutting hair is easy. The trimmer does all the work. You just have to let it.
Repeat for the second ear
Again, you don't have to reinvent this process for the other side. It's the same for each ear.
Clean by removing the head
The process for cleaning is the same regardless of what you just trimmed. Ears and noses are both gross, so always clean the tool when you finish.