You ordered your new trimmer. While you’re waiting for The Lawn Mower® 4.0 trimmer, your excitement is so great that you had to satiate yourself by looking up tutorials for it. We get it, and this is a great tutorial from our team at Manscaped to get you started:
For those of you who just picked it up off a store shelf, we’re glad to have you here, too.
In either case, we’re going to run over some of the basics of using the 4.0 trimmer. Its operation is similar to that of any other trimmer (especially the 2.0 and 3.0 trimmers) in many respects. That said, some new features deserve your attention. We’ll walk you through the essentials and the new stuff. We hope you enjoy the new Lawn Mower trimmer as much as we do.
Start by charging The Lawn Mower 4.0
It’s an electric trimmer, so it makes sense that your first step for use is charging the battery. The Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer comes with wireless charging, and we encourage you to take full advantage of the convenience. Plug in the charging dock and place the trimmer on it. It will begin charging, and the indicator lights will let you know when the battery is full. The battery is designed for 90 minutes of continuous use, so a full charge will last a long time. When the battery is ready, you can grab your trimmer and get ready to have some fun with it.
Handling the trimmer
The new Lawn Mower trimmer does have a redesigned shell. We worked hard to improve the ergonomics, so it will feel different in your hands if you’re upgrading from the 3.0 trimmer. Despite that, the way you use it is the same.
Hold the trimmer blade-side up. When you’re grooming, go with the grain as much as you can.
If it’s your first time, start with the longest cutting guard. Once you go over the selected body part with your trimmer, you can decide if you want to continue to shorten your body hair. You can step down on the cutting guard lengths, and if you want a very close trim, you can remove all of the guards and shave with the trimmer.
How to clean the blades on The Lawn Mower 4.0

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When you’re done with your grooming, it’s always best to give the trimmer a good cleaning. You can use the included brush to clean the blade and remove hair clippings. You can also rinse the blade head under your faucet, but you should only do this after brushing away most of the hair. Water can make hair clippings cling, and it gets annoying.
Keeping the blades clean prevents clogging and helps to extend the life of the blades.
How to use the LED light on The Lawn Mower 4.0
The new LED light is designed to make it easy to see what you’re doing when working with the nether regions of your body. It’s also easy to use.
Start by turning on the trimmer. Just press the power button a single time, and it will hum. The LED light should be turned on by default. To turn it off, press and hold the power button until the light goes dark. If the light is off, you can turn it on with the same method. Simply hold the power button until the light turns on.
Keep in mind that this will only work when the trimmer is powered. If it’s off, you can’t turn on just the LED light.
When you’re done toggling the light, you can press and release the power button to turn off the whole trimmer.
How to turn the LED light on & off video walk-through
How to use the travel lock on The Lawn Mower 4.0
The travel lock ensures that the device will not be accidentally engaged while it sits in your luggage. Using it is quite simple.
Start by turning on the trimmer (you still do this by pressing and releasing the power button one time). Go ahead and turn it off using the same method. That was just a quick check to see if you have juice.
While the trimmer is off, press and release the power button three times in succession, this engages the travel lock, and the trimmer will not power on while the lock is active. To deactivate the lock, press and release the power button three more times. The trimmer will remain off at this point, but the lock is off, and the trimmer will run with a normal press of the power button.
How to use the travel lock feature video walk-through
How to replace the blades on The Lawn Mower 4.0
When it’s time to replace your trimmer blades, you’re going to go through this simple process.
Start with the trimmer unplugged and turned off. Grip the trimmer in your hand, and push on the blade at the tip. Apply pressure away from the front of the trimmer (the side with the power button). The blade head should snap and come free.
Now that the old blade is off, grab your replacement module. Set the new module on the trimmer blade-side up. Press on the back until it snaps into place. Congratulations. You’ve survived this ordeal, and now you have a fresh blade.
How to replace The Lawn Mower 4.0 blades video walk-through
A quick grooming tip

The Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer can pretty much do it all. It can handle hair anywhere on your body, and it can crop the hair as long or short as you like. Still, if you want to get an ultra-smooth finish, check out some of our new stuff in the Ultra Smooth Package. We finally released our own exfoliator and lubricating gel, plus we have a brand new razor designed specifically for sensitive shaving work. Combined with your new trimmer, it’s the ultimate combination of male grooming tools.
When you have The Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer, you get to enjoy all of these perks and more. You can elevate your male grooming to be more precise, more consistent, and more comfortable than ever. Our goal has always been to put an extra spring in your step, and The Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer can do that better than ever. Enjoy your new trimmer, and be sure to check back in for the latest grooming technology, updates, and advice.