The Lawn Mower® 4.0 trimmer is packed with innovative technology. From our SkinSafe® blade mechanisms to the entirely wireless charging design, everything about the trimmer is amazing. Among all of the features, there is one that we think is particularly nice, when the occasion calls for it. We’re talking about the travel lock.
It’s new to the Lawn Mower trimmer series, so we want to take a minute to explain what it does and why. We’ll also show you exactly how to use it.
Why we made a travel lock
The whole point of the lock, as you can imagine, is to prevent the trimmer from accidentally powering on while in storage or transit. One of the worst things is for your battery to deplete while your trimmer is in a bag. You’re driving a long drive or flying and have no idea that it’s doing this. You get to your destination and get ready to groom, and your trimmer is dead. It's no fun.
What’s even worse is when the trimmer starts buzzing while you’re going through a security checkpoint. It won’t actually get you in trouble, but who has time to deal with TSA going through your bag because they detected unexplained vibrations? It may be funny for them, but not for you.
How the lock works
The travel lock is nice to have. Now, let’s look at how you can use it. It all runs through the power button. For normal operation, press the power button to turn on The Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer. Press it again to turn the trimmer off.
For the travel lock, first make sure the trimmer is completely powered off. Then, press the button three times in succession. You should see movement in the LED indicator light under the button. This lets you know that the travel lock is on.
When you’re ready to turn off the lock, press the button three times again. Once more, the light will move to let you know that it worked. Your trimmer should function normally from here.
This video demonstration will make sure you know exactly how it all works.
Some quick troubleshooting tips
Since the travel lock is new, it can introduce a new element to The Lawn Mower experience. Namely, we’re talking about how it can be easy to forget about the travel lock after you set it. If you try to power on your trimmer and it doesn’t work, always check the travel lock first. Give it those three presses to see if it will start working.
You can also double-check the battery. The LED indicator light will show you how much charge is available whenever you press the button. If the light doesn’t come on, charge the trimmer. Keep in mind that you might still need to toggle the travel lock after you charge the device. If you remember those tips, you can avoid the most common situation where the trimmer seems to be malfunctioning.
Ultimately, we designed The Lawn Mower 4.0 to be the best body hair trimmer yet. When you try it out, we’re confident that you’ll love everything about it — including the new travel lock.