At MANSCAPED®, we’re known for helping guys groom their bodies. We should probably point out that your face is part of your body and we make tools for that too. If you've ever wondered about using MANSCAPED® products on your face, we have some good news for you. Many of our products can be safe for the face and a couple are even designed for facial use.
The Lawn Mower® 4.0 trimmer is something we praise as the best of all worlds. It can groom all parts of your body and can be safe and effective. But there’s a big but. It’s not made for your face. For your cheeks up there, we proudly offer you The Beard Hedger™ beard trimmer, which is specially designed for the contours of a man’s face.
While we’re on that topic, let’s talk a bit more about beard grooming. Most guys think they’re good at it because they have to do it all the time. But if you stop to think about it, how much of an expert are you on beard grooming? Have you ever used something besides a razor or a trimmer to fix your face? Maybe you need to keep reading.
Methods of beard trimming
The simple truth is you must manage your facial hair. Even as we enter an era where most people telecommute to work, webcams are part of the game. If people are going to have to look at your face, it’s your obligation as a man to make it an enjoyable experience. That means you have to get rid of your neckbeard. There are a lot of ways to get the job done. Some are common and you’ve done them before. Others are less common and it’s worth exploring why they aren’t popular.
Common methods
For common face grooming, we have two clear winners. Everyone does both, and there are reasons to do either. Shaving and trimming are the staples of male grooming, but if we’re going to be thorough, we have to talk about shaving and trimming your beard. There’s a secret hidden within these common ideas though. One of them is highly overrated.
Shaving is the most common method
Shaving is the most common way to groom a beard. Every man learns to shave his face. It’s a rite of passage or something. If we’re laying it all out there, a shave is the best way to have a smooth face, despite how annoying the process can be. There’s a reason we’ve all done it and many of us still do.
Just about everyone trims their faces
Trimming comes in at a close second place. Anyone who doesn’t shave their face almost certainly trims it—unless you live off the grid in the woods. Trimming is fast, easy, and painless. Some guys might be better off ditching their razor for a trimmer, but we can talk about that later.
Uncommon methods
If you have a strange desire to ditch your trimmers and razors, then there are ways to try to groom your face. Each of these methods comes with major drawbacks, so think before you get too crazy.
Electrolysis is painless and permanent
Electrolysis is cool. It’s relatively painless and it works. There are two problems with doing this to your face. First, it’s pricey. Second, and more importantly, it’s permanent. If you electrocute the hairs off your face, you’d better be sure you never want to participate in No-Shave November again.
Hair removal cream is important to keep away from your eyes and nose
Hair removal cream works well and for most people, it’s a relatively painless experience. Why is it uncommon on the face? Mostly, you don’t want those creams anywhere near your eyes or nose and trying to use them on your beard is unnecessarily risky.
There’s also an issue with skin reactions. Not every person handles hair removal cream the same way. It’s not a matter of toughness. Some skin just doesn’t react well. Until you know how your skin deals with depilatory cream, you should probably keep it off your face.
Waxing is painful
Technically speaking, you can wax your face, but have you ever known someone to do this? A waxed face would be smooth and when your beard grows back, it would be delightfully soft. But there are two reasons this is a crazy idea. The first is pain. The second is the short-term after-effects of waxing. Your face will be red, splotchy, and probably bloody for at least a day after waxing. Is that what you want?
Benefits of using a beard trimmer
There are tons of reasons to use a beard trimmer like The Beard Hedger™ to control that manly beard of yours. In the interest of saving time, we’ll only mention a few.
For starters, beard trimmers can be the safest way to tame your face. Wax can mess up your money maker. Trimmers minimize damage to your skin and make the process easy.
What about length? With a choice of 20 lengths using a nifty zoom wheel, The Beard Hedger™ gives you tons of length options. And since it’s waterproof, you can use it in the shower to save time. The main thing though, is that its blades are designed to trim your tough scruff easily in a single pass. So, to answer the original question, The Lawn Mower® 4.0 is not a beard trimmer, but The Beard Hedger™ is.