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How to shave your head using MANSCAPED™

Posted by Quinn L.



How to shave your head using MANSCAPED™

There comes the point in every man's life where he wonders what he would look like if he shaved his head. Some guys pull it off so well; we all have to wonder if we can too. Throw in a little male-pattern baldness, and there's a strong incentive to explore the idea. If you're thinking about going bald, you can shave your head using MANSCAPED™ products, and it's not much of a process. Your first time will be a little slower and carefully coordinated, but you can get it done yourself with no real hassle.

How to shave your head using The Lawn Mower® 4.0 trimmer

You can do most of this job using just The Lawn Mower® 4.0 trimmer. Though this is designed mainly for your groin and the surrounding landscape, you can use it for your head if necessary. You don't need special creams or gels. You don't need fancy extensions. It's just you, the trimmer, and a mirror. Eventually, you're going to use a razor, and that part is more complicated. We'll cover all of it.

1) Grab the MANSCAPED™ trimmer & bring that hair down

The last thing you want to do is take a razor to a full head of hair. It would take at least 396 fresh razor blades to get the job done. Your head would also be a splotchy, bloody mess by the time you finish.

No, it's much better to reduce the razor blade's work before you get to the shaving portion of the job. Doing so is easy. Grab The Lawn Mower 4.0 trimmer and pop in a fresh blade. Don't even think about using the same blade you just used on your pubes. Each part of your body needs its dedicated blade. You can use the shortest guard at the start, but you probably want to have some amount of guard to help keep your hair from tangling right at the base as you trim.

Go over your head and remove those luscious locks. There is no special technique needed; you're giving yourself a basic buzz cut. The trimmer does all of the work. Once you've trimmed things down, you can do another pass with no guard length at all; this will minimize the workload placed on your razor in a minute.

For a buzz cut, follow these steps:

1. Buzz your hair in the opposite direction of your hair growth (unlike shaving where you go against the grain as you are not actually getting down to the hair follicle when using an electric razor).
2. Move from top to bottom when shaving the top of your head (from forehead to the crown of your head)
3. Move from bottom to top when finishing up the backside of your head
4. Grab a partner or a friend if you need assistance on shaving the backside of your head. You’ll need an even trim before you get to wet-shaving.

2) Soften those hairs & open the pores

If you've never shaved your head before, you want to emphasize this step. You've finished trimming, so you want to prep your scalp for a shave. The way to do that is to soften the hairs and open the pores, which is achieved with hot water. You have two choices. You can take a warm shower, or you can use a compress.

Showering is easy. You don't need to scrub your head or anything (yet). You're just spending a minute or two in the warm water to relax the skin. It'll also get rid of hair clippings, and that's always nice.

If you don't want to take a full shower, that's fine. Use a towel or washcloth and soak it in warm water. Place it on your head like a compress. You don't need to scrub. You're just using warm water to ease the skin and make it more approachable for your razor.

3) Add shaving cream

Your scalp is not a tough part of your body. Most people underestimate how much your hair does to protect the scalp. It never sees the sun. It never gets cold. It is, surprisingly to many, one of the more delicate and sensitive parts of your body.

The point of telling you this is that you do not want to dry-shave your scalp, especially when you try it. Your scalp might be surprisingly easy to cut with your razor (your head is bumpier than you think it is). It may also be more irritated by your first shave than you anticipate.

Use shaving cream or one of its substitutes, and use it liberally. A well-lubricated shaving experience will be much better. We promise.

After shaving, your scalp is going to toughen up. Exposure to sunlight and the elements will cause a transformation, and you won't have to baby it as much in the future. You should still take it easy on your scalp when you shave, but it won't be nearly as sensitive.

4) Grab a sharp razor

The Plow 2.0

Considering everything we just said about having a pleasant, gentle first shave, it's time to emphasize your razor. You need a sharp blade. You should have a pristine blade in there for this project. Suppose you're using a single blade face razor like The Plow™ 2.0 single blade face razor; that makes it easier. If you're using a disposable, get a new blade on there all the same. It will make your life better.

As you're shaving (we'll talk about technique in a moment), some of you are going to find that it takes more than one blade to do this job; this depends on the density and coarseness of your hair. Please don't be shy about grabbing a fresh blade in the middle of a shave. You don't want a scalp full of ingrown hairs. It's a unique experience, but not a good one.

5) Shave with the grain

When it comes to razor applications, there is a right way to do this. You want to go over your whole head by shaving with the grain. It's important to notice that the grain of your hair goes in different directions at different points on your head. Pay attention to that. If you go against the grain from the start, you're going to get razor burn, and you can easily get intense ingrown hairs. And you don't want that on your head.

After you have done your first pass, you can go back and shave in different directions to get the closest shave possible. For a lot of body grooming, we recommend going with the grain and stopping. The top of your head is an exception. It's going to be very visible, and having stubble on the top of your head is a bit of a faux pas. You want that thing shining. If you decide to grow it out later, you'll have to suffer through the stubble phase, but in general, your scalp should not have a five o'clock shadow.

6) Rinse blades after every stroke

We mentioned keeping your blade sharp. You don't have to go through a dozen blades on your head if you are even a little smart while you shave. Rinsing the blade might feel like a time sink if you're in a hurry, but you should reserve time for your first head shave anyway. You want to do this thing the right way.

If you leave gunk on your blade and keep shaving, it's going to ruin the glide very quickly, and it dulls razor blades. You'll get nicks all over your lumpy head, and you'll struggle to get a close shave. Just rinse the blade after every stroke. It's easy, and it should be a habit by now.

7) Reapply shaving cream

If you're willing to replace your razor blade in the middle of the shave, you should also be willing to reapply shaving cream. It's part of the same mentality. You're investing effort to keep the shave gentle and pleasant.

Reapplying shaving cream is especially important after your first pass. You just shaved off all of the cream. You can feel your head a bit to see how close the shave was, but go ahead and reapply before you start shaving against the grain. It's all in the name of minimizing discomfort now and later.

8) Rinse, dry, moisturize

At this point, you're done shaving. Now, we need to take care of the skin to make sure your shave doesn't ruin your life (that might have been a little melodramatic). Start by rinsing your head. If you didn't shower before, this is a great time to do so. You can rinse your head and clean it with soap. That's great for preventing infections if you have any nicks or cuts.

If you don't want to shower, it's still ok. Use a warm, wet cloth to rinse and wipe your head. You don't need to scrub, but you want to remove all of the clipped hair.

Dry your clean head. Pat it dry if your scalp is feeling sensitive. When it is dry, you want to moisturize. Moisturizer will help your skin recover from the shave, and it will reduce any irritation caused by the shave. There's also a good chance your scalp is dry, and you don't want to have an ashy scalp after your first shave (or ever).

It's also important to think about skincare. Your scalp has never seen the sun before. It's going to burn much more easily than the rest of your body. Consider getting a moisturizer with SPF in it. If not, keep sunscreen handy, and invest in some nice hats. We don't shave our scalps to invite skin cancer onto our heads. Protect your bare scalp.

How often should you shave your head?

How long does it take for your hair to grow back after shaving? For full regrowth, the average is about three months. For any visible hair, it can be one to three days. So, how often should you shave?

We talked about minimizing stubble. That's your general guide, but there are a few other things to consider. You don't want to shave your head every day. It's too hard on the skin. Instead, you want to shave it a maximum of three times a week to maintain a smooth head. That's more than enough for most guys to keep a clean look.

You'll probably feel stubble between those shaves, but remember that there is a difference between stubble you can feel and stubble you can see. And, on that note, try to time your shaves around dates or social activity. People are going to want to rub your bald head. It's a thing.

The best electric razor for shaving your head: What to look for

A head shaver doesn't need a whole lot to work well. It's one of your body's easier parts to reach and maintain, and the hair on your head is less coarse than a lot of body hair. What matters the most is the motors RPM. Your head hair is often the densest hair on your body. High numbers of rotations make it easier for the electric razor to get through all of that hair without getting clogged or pulling your hair.

Tips for taking care of your head after shaving

How often should you wash your hair when it's bald? Well, you don't need to use shampoo or conditioner at all. Some people recommend using a conditioner on the bald head, but it's unnecessary. Those products are primarily for hair. You can wash your scalp every time you shower with body soap. Because you're moisturizing daily, your scalp won't get dry, so you don't need special shampoos or conditioners.



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