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Should you moisturize your balls?

Posted by Quinn L.



Should you moisturize your balls?

You moisturize all of your other skin. Why wouldn’t you moisturize your balls? It’s a sensible step forward, but before you grab the lotion and have a little too much fun down there, there are a few things you need to know.

After all, your ball skin is not quite the same as the rest of your skin.

Why should you moisturize your balls?

Moisturizing your balls will reduce chafing and that irritating thing that happens when the sack skin clings to your leg. Everyone hates that.

That’s really only the beginning. You gain a lot of benefits from moisturizing your balls, and you need to do it the right way.


Dry skin itches. You already know that, right? Well, if you’ve ever had itchy balls, then guess what caused it. It’s a simple formula. Keep your balls moist, and they won’t get so itchy, but there’s quite a bit more going on.

Itchy skin is irritated skin, already. When you scratch at itchy skin, you add to that irritation pretty quickly, and you end up in this negative feedback loop that makes your skin itch and burn and complain more and more.

Unfortunately, the very nature of your balls and sack makes this even worse. You can’t just reach down and go to town on that skin when it itches. You’ve been careless before. You know that special pain. In order to scratch your balls, you’re stretching that skin and putting it through way more abuse than when your elbow gets a little itchy.

If you want maximum comfort around your groin, you need to get on top of ball moisture. It’s important.

MANSCAPED Crop Cleanser

Sex appeal

We want you to really visualize the dry ball sack that you’ve been reading about. Are you turned on? Of course not.

Dry ball sack is the least sexy thing on the planet. In fact, we just gave you a new superweapon the next time you’re worried about getting aroused in public. You’re welcome.

Being a little more serious for a moment, unhealthy skin is not aesthetically pleasing. Dry skin can turn ashy and/or flaky. Plus if you’re scratching your balls all the time they’ll show signs of irritation.

When it comes time for a big sexy moment, you don’t want any of that going on downstairs. If you moisturize your balls, you eliminate all of these problems.

Even while your balls look more attractive, the thing we’re always harping about is also in your favor. Your properly moisturized balls aren’t itching or irritating you, and you’re confident that they look your best. So, you’ll feel less self-conscious when you drop your drawers. That confidence adds more to your sex appeal than healthy skin ever could on its own.


You want healthy skin. (Notice the lack of a question mark.)

In fact, you put a fair bit of effort into skin care on a daily basis. You use a good body wash. You moisturize regularly. You appreciate the value of sunscreen.

Dare we say it, we’re proud of you.

But, it’s easy to overlook the balls. You might think that your moisturizing body wash is good enough. It’s not. Your balls need healthy skin, too. We’re going over a lot of reasons healthy ball skin makes for a better life, but in terms of pure health, there’s a serious component to this.

When your skin is healthy and moisturized, it’s easy to find out when things are wrong. Things like crotch burn can sneak up on you when your skin is dry. If you normally aren’t red and irritated down there, then if a fungal problem arises, you can catch it right away.

More importantly, it’s easier to inspect healthy skin for more serious issues, like skin cancer. You don’t need to live in daily fear that this is the day you find a new mole, but it sure helps to be able to identify problems early and easily.


Can we all be honest with each other? Your balls smell bad. All balls smell bad. It’s their natural state, and it’s important that you don’t pretend otherwise.

Those moments where you can subtly smell your own ball stink wafting up your body and to your nose? Other people can smell it, too. They’re polite, so they pretend otherwise, but they can. That’s an uncomfortable truth, but there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. You can defeat ball stink, and as you’ve already surmised, moisturizing down there is going to help.

Dry skin tends to smell worse, especially when you sweat. If you moisturize your balls, you get less bacteria and stress hormone buildup in your pores and skin, and that mitigates the smell.

If you moisturize with MANSCAPED™ products that are designed to combat ball stink, then you can win this war with surprising ease.

MANSCAPED Crop Preserver

How do you do it?

Now that you are thoroughly convinced to take special care towards moisturizing your balls, let’s talk processes. How do you do it the right way?

The good news for you is that this is all really easy. Use the right products, and your balls will remain moisturized regardless of your lifestyle.

The first magic formula in your arsenal is Crop Preserver®. We talk about this a lot because it is pretty much our crowning achievement as ball care specialists and engineers. It has a hydrating formula, so if you apply it every day when you get dressed, your balls will never get too dry.

It also reduces friction, keeps you cool, helps mitigate excessive sweat, and smells amazing. This is basically a one-man army that is taking on all of the worst that your ball sack has to offer.

If you have excessively dry skin, or if you’re extra hard on your balls, then you can supplement Crop Preserver® with regular applications of Crop Reviver®. It’s a hydrating ball toner, and it’s designed to be extra gentle. The whole point is that you can give yourself a refreshing spritz whenever the need arises. It’ll keep you fresh and happy.

The last thing that goes a long way is a dedicated ball wash. Your hydrating body wash isn’t bad for the boys, but it’s not optimized for them either. With Crop Cleanser®, you have a specialized body soap that hydrates the skin, remains gentle on the boys, smells great, and keeps you clean. Add it to your shower caddy, and ball care only gets easier.

MANSCAPED Crop Reviver

When is the best time?

If you use the magic formulas, your groin skin will be healthy, but it helps to have a standard routine.

Really, you should do what works best for you. If you’re looking for suggestions, here’s the MANSCAPED™ routine.

Start with the shower. You can groom in the shower as needed, and keeping your groin hair under control definitely helps. While in the shower, wash with your specialized groin soap. That one is obvious.

After your shower, dry off. Then, you can apply your ball deodorant. It’s easiest to do this before you get dressed, and it takes about a minute to rub it in and get it dry. If you want, you can throw a spritz of toner on at this point, but you don’t always need to.

Really, this constitutes your daily routine, and then you mix in more ball toner as needed. That should be enough to get you going, and you can get rid of dry ball skin forever (or at least until your next shower).



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