Dry lips are the worst. Some people don’t really feel that way, but if you stop and think about it, they are. Dry lips quickly peel and crack. They become inflamed and uncomfortable, and then you have to eat and drink things. It gets out of hand quickly.
Sometimes, the dryness is deceptive. You might have to talk all day at work, and before you know it, you have that nasty film caked on your lips. We’re not judging. We’ve been there, too.
The bottom line is that you need something to hydrate and care for your lips, and MANSCAPED™ is here to answer the call. We are introducing our new Ultra Premium™ Lip Balm, and we’re excited to tell you all about it.
What you really want from your lip balm
The new MANSCAPED™ Lip Balm is made to give you something that is probably missing from your self-care stockpile. Our lip balm is designed to give you soft, healthy lips without coating them in an unnecessary sheen. They won’t feel waxy and overworked with too much product.
Instead, you get to have lips that look and feel great all the time. With this, your face care takes that final step towards awesomeness.
What you’ll find in our lip balm
As you have come to expect, our lip balm is packed with the best ingredients. Most of the components of the balm are designed to hydrate without leaving a gross feeling or ugly look. Castor oil is a perfect example. It’s a light oil that hydrates with power rather than with viscosity.
Meadowfoam seed oil is in there to seal in the moisture on your lips. This makes the balm better for restoring dried lips and maintaining a healthy vermillion border. Beeswax provides lasting protection, but it isn’t heavy enough to cake your lips. Meanwhile, peppermint oil promotes healthy skin cells in the area.
Another great ingredient is sodium saccharin, which promotes cell turnover to keep your lips looking and feeling healthy and fresh.
This is by no means the full list, but everything we put into the balm is there for a purpose, and the culmination of that planning gives you the nicest lips possible.
How to use it
At MANSCAPED™, we like to make things easy, and we certainly did that with our Ultra Premium™ Lip Balm. You can apply it as often as you need it. You can’t overdose with it or overuse it to your determinant. You can apply it liberally when you like and hold back if you want a light touch. There isn’t really a wrong way to use it.
For best results, spread it evenly across your lips. Any time your lips feel dry, flaky, or filmy, throw on some lip balm and enjoy. We do recommend that you store it at room temperature, and it will last a long time.
Don’t skip your lips. They need care, too, and you’ll find that when you do right by them, your face feels happier. You also might notice that you become more attractive, and we all enjoy being the eye candy every once in a while.