You showered today, right?
That’s good. We’d hate to think that we still need to convince you to shower on a regular basis.
And yet, we’re still here to convince you to change your shower habits. You might be showering regularly, but that doesn’t mean that you are showering optimally. The truth is that a few small tweaks to how you shower can come with a ton of health benefits.
So, we’re going to explain them in full detail, and we’re going to start with a relatively popular topic: cold showers.
A cold shower can be really good for you
Showering better is a great goal, and it’s easier to do than you might imagine. Sometimes, all you have to do is turn the water temperature dial to “cold.” That alone can unleash a ton of genuine lifestyle and health benefits.
Let’s go through the best of them together. When we’re done, we’ll talk about a few other easy ways to up your shower game so you can always have the best of all worlds.
A cold shower can improve your circulation across the board, and it does this for a few reasons.
For starters, stepping into a cold shower can be a shock to the system, literally. The shock of the cold water kicks your body into gear. Your heart rate elevates, your body releases adrenaline and endorphins, and you go into a mild stress response that wakes you up, dilates your blood vessels, and gets your circulation to its max.
Now, a cold shower isn’t a replacement for regular exercise, but it can help stimulate you in the morning, and it can give you a better boost to start your day than even the strongest cup of coffee (and you can have both if you want).
Reduced itchiness
Hot showers can make you itchy. It’s especially a problem if you have hard water, but hot water in general can dry out your skin.
Cold showers don’t do this, and so they reduce itchiness caused by hot showers. On top of that, cold water can soothe irritated skin. So if you are already itchy, you can step into a cold shower, and the itchiness will back off a bit.
Keep one thing in mind, though. If you have very hard water, even a cold shower will dry you out and can exacerbate itchiness. This is where shower products come into play. Use a hydrating body wash, and your skin won’t itch regardless of water quality.
Better sleep
This will surprise a lot of you, but taking a cool or cold shower before bed can help you sleep. There are two keys to this. First, a cool shower is better than a cold shower in this one respect. Second, it works better when it’s hot outside than when it’s cold outside. Those are important things to remember.
What’s interesting about the cool shower is that it helps improve your circulation. You might think that this wakes you up, but that’s actually a different thing. The shock of a cold shower might wake you up, but a cool shower that doesn’t shock you still improves circulation without driving your heart rate up. Basically, having cool skin forces your blood vessels deeper in your body to dilate, and that results in overall better circulation.
Here’s the missing puzzle piece.
Better circulation can help improve sleep quality. When you have higher oxygen saturation (which usually accompanies improved circulation), your body doesn’t have to work as hard when you sleep. This can reduce stress levels during sleep and even counteract some of the effects of mild sleep apnea. It’s one of the reasons people with good cardio tend to have better sleep quality.
If you go to bed cool (assuming this doesn't make you too cold to sleep), you can get better rest from the same number of hours you normally sleep.
Reduced muscle soreness
It turns out that improving your circulation is good for you in lots of ways, and one of those is reduced muscle soreness. If you take a cold shower after a workout, it will once again dilate your blood vessels. This can help you reduce muscle soreness.
As you might recall from high school biology, your muscles get sore because of a buildup of waste products like lactic acid. As your body processes these waste products, soreness goes away.
Now, we can put two and two together. If your circulation is working better, your body can process those waste products faster, and you won’t be as sore.
Skin and hair health
What’s really fun is that cold showers can improve your general hair and skin health.
Here’s why.
Hot showers are great for opening pores. That’s good when you’re doing certain kinds of skin care, like exfoliating and grooming. But, it’s not ideal for all situations.
When you’re between exfoliating and grooming sessions, a cold shower tightens your pores, and this helps your body retain natural oils in your skin and hair. This helps with hydration, making your skin healthy and your hair shiny (in a good way).
Cold showers are especially preferable for a quick rinse when you don’t have time for a full self-care routine. Let your natural oils pick up the slack when you aren’t using products.
Mental health
We mentioned this earlier, but a cold shower gives you a rush of adrenaline and endorphins. Those are both great for mental health. A cold shower can’t instantly cure chronic mental health problems, but it definitely won’t hurt.
At the same time, your cold shower can also boost your immunity. It won’t make you impervious to germs, but any small immunity boost is usually welcome (if you’re that desperate to get out of work, it might be time for a new job).
Better showers for a better life
Clearly, a cold shower has a lot to offer, but there are other ways to improve your shower. You can use these tips in conjunction with cold water or to make your warm showers better.
Use a good shower gel
This seems obvious, but it helps to know which shower gel is best and why. As self-certified experts in the field, we’re going to tell you that the MANSCAPED™ shower gel is the best. We actually call it Ultra Premium™ Body Wash, and we made it to be hydrating, health promoting, and filled with the best natural ingredients you can find.
It has things like aloe vera and sea salt that give you a good scrub while also healing damaged skin cells. It lathers nicely, and since we made it, you know it smells great.
We glossed over this earlier, but exfoliating is very important. You want to do it about once a week. It removes dead skin cells and other things that can block your pores and contribute to acne and other skin problems.
To exfoliate properly, you want a good tool, like The Body Buffer. It’s made from silicone, so it doesn’t grow mold or bacteria. It’s safe to live in your shower, and it gently removes debris from your pores, leaving your skin healthy and un-irritated.
You can get a good supply of Ultra Premium™ Body Wash and The Body Buffer in our brand new kit: The Buff Bundle.