If you follow us on Instagram (and if you don’t, go follow us now!), then you’ll know we have a series called Ask Manscaped™ Anything (AMA). We put the ball jokes aside this last time around to talk about something serious—testicular cancer. It IS Testicular Cancer Awareness Month, so as partners with the Testicular Cancer Society (TCS) we held a Q&A with Mike Craycraft, founder of TCS and survivor of testicular cancer. Here are some of the most common questions we received. And for more information about testicular cancer and the TCS, go to www.testicularcancersociety.org.

Is Testicular Cancer Treatable?
The earlier it is caught the easier the treatments. Treatment can range from a simple surgery to needing chemo/radiation/additional surgery

What Does Testicular Cancer Feel Like While Checking For It?
When performing a self-exam, you're looking for any hard lumps or nodules. Be aware of any pain, soreness, or heaviness. Your testicles should be firm to the touch.
You should also pay attention to any changes in size, shape, or consistency. This is why it's important to check 1x per month so can notice any irregularities.

Can Teen Boys Have Testicular Cancer?
It is the leading cause of cancer in guys 15-35. But, it can occur at any age & checking yourself and catching it early is important.

What's The Most Important Thing Guys Should Know About Testicular Cancer?
That you should check yourself once a month (especialy young men) and if you find something don't delay, see a doctor right away. It could save your life.

How Often Do You Have Check Ups?
We recommend monthly so you can notice any changes over time. Most lumps are not found by doctors. They are most often found by men themselves.
If you do notice anything unusual, go to the doctor right away. I waited 7 months and lucked out to still be diagnosed at an early stage. 98% of cased are curable if detected early.

Does Having One Ball Feel Weird?
No, but I walk in circles.
Honestly, I mostly for forget that I only have one unless I want to tell a joke.