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Does Weed Whacker® 2.0 work?

Posted by Quinn L.



Does Weed Whacker® 2.0 work?

Are you turned on by thick nostril hair and wild tufts coming out of people’s ears? Neither is anyone else.

If you’re noticing these kinds of hairs in your own body, it’s worth thinking about getting them under control.

Ear and nose hair are actually important for biological functions. They help keep your ears and nose clean, which is good, but when the hair gets out of control, it can drive you nuts, make you look unkempt, and add frustration to what used to be a simple aspect of your life.

You can use an ear and nose hair trimmer to solve this problem. And if you get a good trimmer, you’ll maintain the functionality of all of that hair while keeping it from being unattractive and annoying.

With all of that said, what constitutes a good trimmer? The Weed Whacker® 2.0 is getting a lot of praise. Does it really work?

Below, you’re going to see an intricate breakdown of this trimmer, what aspects make it work, and whether or not it’s really worth your time.

MANSCAPED Weed Whacker 2.0

What makes the Weed Whacker® 2.0 great.

We’re giving away the answer here, but the Weed Whacker® 2.0 really is a good tool. It has a lot of design elements and features that make for a good trimming experience, but there’s a lot to cover. So we’re going to break this down one piece at a time.

Design and build quality.

If you check out the description on the MANSCAPED® website, you’ll see the phrase “superior cutting performance”. Now this is marketing copy and it doesn’t say anything specific. Instead, it’s trying to make a general point and this is a good place to harp on that point.

It is possible that you could find something that cuts better than the Weed Whacker® 2.0. High-precision medical lasers come to mind.

But if you want a trimmer that's designed from the ground up to make nose and ear hair trimming as easy and painless as possible, then you want to give the Weed Whacker® 2.0 a serious look.

Every aspect of this trimmer was designed to give you a great experience when you use it. The battery allows it to be wireless, which is easy and convenient. The battery life also simplifies your grooming life.

The blades and motor are built for safety, power, and comfort. You’re not going to abuse your ears and nose when you use this thing.

Beyond that, there are a handful of special features, each of which is intended to empower your trimming while making it easy to convince yourself to stay on top of grooming. We’ll be getting into all of this in good detail, but if you’re in a hurry, here’s a quick takeaway. 

The Weed Whacker® 2.0 utilizes two generations of precise engineering to remove the chore from managing nose and ear hair.

MANSCAPED Weed Whacker 2.0

Battery life and charging time.

One of the key design elements of this trimmer is convenience. It doesn’t matter how effortlessly the trimmer cuts your hair. If it’s a pain to use the thing, you won’t use it and it’s worth nothing as a trimmer.

The Weed Whacker® 2.0 is extremely convenient.

For starters, it’s wireless. It’s easy to overlook how important wireless design is, but fighting with a cord when you’re trying to groom is annoying. On top of that, if you’re ever in a situation where you can’t plug the trimmer in (like camping or traveling internationally when you forgot the correct plug adapters), then you can’t use it at all.

So a wireless design is step one for making a trimmer convenient.

But the 2.0 doesn’t stop there. It also comes with a 45-minute lithium-ion battery. This is important for a couple of reasons.

The easiest to understand is battery life. If you’re extremely cautious, it might take you a few minutes to trim your nose and ears with the Weed Whacker®. Once you get used to it (and come to trust how safe it really is), your trims will go even faster. A battery that lasts for 45 minutes of continuous trimming can keep you looking fresh for months or more (depending on how fast your hair grows). If you forget your charger on a trip but still need a trim, you’re probably just fine.

The second advantage of this battery is that it charges pretty fast. Even though 45 minutes is a ton of time for trimming your ears and nose, it doesn't take all that long to charge a 45-minute battery. We threaded this needle on purpose. We wanted a battery that lasted long enough that forgetting to charge it multiple times wouldn’t be a problem, but we also wanted it to charge quickly when the time comes.

You get both, and you’re welcome.

Blades and trimming power.

MANSCAPED Weed Whacker 2.0 blade

Remember when we were just talking about a “superior cutting performance”? Let’s talk about exactly how that works. The “superior” cutting is a mentality. This trimmer was designed with features that effectively cut your hair quickly, painlessly, and easily.

Some of those features include a 360-degree dual-blade system. This is a cutting head that moves in a full circle so you’re cutting hairs on every side of your nostril or ear all at the same time. It’s fast and easy.

The features also include a 7,000 RPM motor. Such a high revolution speed allows the blade to cycle through your hairs so fast that you can avoid tugging and pulling. It makes the trim much more comfortable.

Other features relate to the design of the blade head. The blades themselves are made from strong steel. The strong steel holds a very sharp edge, even after many trims, so you don’t have to worry about your blades going dull too fast. Still, every blade eventually does go dull and the Weed Whacker® 2.0 has a changeable blade head that's easy to replace so you can keep your blade sharp and your trims comfortable and convenient.

More great features.

As we repeat the themes of power, safety, and convenience, we need to get to a few more important features adorning this trimmer.

Let’s talk about safety first. The Weed Whacker® 2.0 is designed with MANSCAPED’s original SkinSafe® technology. This is the same technology that you’ll find in The Lawn Mower® series and it’s designed to allow you to get your trimming device right up next to your skin without fear. SkinSafe® works as well here as on any other device and it’s really going to protect you. You can use the trimmer liberally and you’ll be fine.

Next up is waterproofing. We already talked about the convenience of a long-lasting battery, but waterproofing is arguably just as important. Typically, you trim your nose and ears in the bathroom. Bathrooms have a lot of water in them. You don’t want trimming to be dangerous, so waterproofing is an obvious solution. This trimmer is perfectly safe to use in the shower. That should give you an idea of how protected it is from water.

MANSCAPED Weed Whacker 2.0

And then there’s power. We already talked about the motor and the blade system. What else matters for power? How about control?

The Weed Whacker® 2.0 is ergonomically designed to give you more control as you use it. You can wield the incredible power of this trimmer with absolute deftness and no training whatsoever. You don’t have to practice with it. It will be easy from the start because that’s how it’s designed.

So, does it work?


What else is there to say? This trimmer was designed for a purpose and it lives up to that purpose.

Not only does it successfully trim nose and ear hair, it does so in a way that's so easy, safe, and convenient that you’ll run out of excuses to put off what used to feel like a chore. You’ll keep these areas groomed, enjoy the clean, fresh feeling, and never really have to worry about it again.

It will become such a brief, convenient part of your routine that you’ll take it completely for granted, and that’s the real goal driving this whole endeavor. A trimmer that really works is one that you can take for granted. The Weed Whacker® 2.0 lives up to that.

Getting the most from your trimmer.

With all of that said, let’s talk about using this trimmer. At the risk of sounding contradictory, it’s not for everyone even though it’s designed to universally work for everyone.

What does that mean?

Well, not everyone has a problem with ear and nose hair. In most cases, this is something that plagues guys, and it’s a problem that tends to get worse as you age. So if you’re a 20-year-old guy who doesn’t really have ear and nose hair, then you don’t need this trimmer. Yet. If you’re that age and you happen to already have hair problems, that’s okay. The trimmer will work just fine.

The point here is that this isn’t some blanket advertisement suggesting that everyone needs to go out and buy this trimmer today. Instead, if you can feel some nose hairs tickling your nostrils or if you’ve seen those tufts getting a little thick in your ears, then it’s time. This trimmer is for you and it'll make life easy — at least when it comes to managing those annoying nose and ear hairs.

You can try it today.

MANSCAPED® puts a lot of time and research into developing products like the Weed Whacker® 2.0. If you can trust anything it’s that this is a quality piece of equipment. If you have any desire at all to tame your nose and ears, then go ahead and try the Weed Whacker® 2.0 today. You can order it, receive it in no time, and promptly take it for granted.



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