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Is male grooming cheugy? Gen Z Manscaped™ staffers let you know!

Posted by Quinn L.



Is male grooming cheugy?

What is cheugy?

Assuming you aren’t in the know, cheugy (pronounced chew-gee with a hard g sound) is a new term to describe certain things and behaviors that are out of style. It’s equal parts basic, dated and self-aware. It’s the latest term popularized by Gen Z, and it mostly describes millennials who are losing touch with modern trends but aren’t fully ready to accept that truth.

The thing about cheugy is that it’s not as mean-spirited as it might sound on paper. The self-aware element makes it a fun way to make fun of yourself and own up to the things you like that just aren’t trendy anymore.

Can men be cheugy?

Cheugy is a term generally associated with millennial women; however, men can also be cheugy. Some quick examples of a man acting cheugy are by wearing bold designer belts, being a sneakerhead, or telling dad jokes. But the real question still stands, is male grooming cheugy?

Some examples to help you identify your inner cheug

The term makes a little more sense when you think about things that are widely considered cheugy. First on the list is graphic tee shirts. There was a time when displaying your interests or style through tee graphics was normal and the way to dress. We’ve since entered a darker timeline.

More seriously, cheesy captions and hashtags are super cheugy. “Live, Love, Laugh” wall decorations, #girlboss, and anything else that is unapologetically cheesy fits the mold. Loving Disney, Star Wars, or Harry Potter a little too much as an adult . . . also cheugy. So is using the word cheugy when you’re over the age of 25 (that one is a bit more debatable).

Lots of things can be cheugy, and it’s not always bad. Dad jokes are cheugy, but we all still love them anyway.

good vibes only

Is male grooming cheugy?

Most things called out for being cheugy were popularized by millennials. That puts male grooming right in the crosshairs. But, it doesn’t quite fit. Despite rapidly changing trends, grooming your manly bits is still in style, probably because it became an instant classic. Traditional suits, jeans and other classics are not cheugy. Instead, they’re timeless.

It can be hard to thread the needle, but there’s a simple test. If something feels like a guilty pleasure (and especially if you were introduced to it in the 2010s), it’s probably cheugy. It’s ok. We’re all cheugy sometimes, but you should never feel guilt for being immaculately groomed. That’s just sensible.

Answers from Manscaped™ employees

For a little more insight into male grooming’s cheuginess factor, we asked those who would know the best: Manscaped’s Gen Z staffers. Here are some words of wisdom from the generation that invented the term:

Cheugy is anything that's trying too hard

I don’t think male grooming falls into the cheugy category because it is a way to express confidence and self care, which has become more popular and on trend than ever. We support any kind of hygiene or self care routine. The more elaborate, the better!

To me, cheugy is anything that’s trying too hard to be on trend or just missing the mark. It can also be when certain brands or people try to participate in a trend well after the trend has passed. Before the term cheugy became popular, most people I know used the word cringe to describe the same thing.

Lexi L., Community Associate

Male grooming is the opposite of cheugy

Male grooming is synonymous with great hygiene and self-care which is so important these days! Men taking the time to care for and groom themselves so they can feel confident is the very opposite of cheugy, as we need to continue to push for the normalization of men’s self-care.

What’s cheugy? Hanging on to old, overly-done trends and lifestyles, or at least that’s what I’ve been told on TikTok :)

Kayla M., Influencer Marketing Associate

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I hope male grooming will never be cheugy

Men grooming themselves is not cheugy and hopefully never will be (I pray). Guys are just now starting to sway away from 3-in-1 products and have a long way to go.

Celia E., Influencer Marketing Specialist

Cheugy is going against the flow and vibes of life

No, male grooming is the opposite of cheugy. It’s the next big thing in male hygiene. Cheugy to me is going against the flow and vibes of life.

Dom P., Acquisition Associate

Cheugy is playing it safe; male grooming means being ahead of the trend

I think male grooming is quite the opposite of cheugy. Cheugy to me means playing it safe and being slightly behind the times. Male grooming is still slightly taboo and will only become more and more popular. You’re ahead of the trend if you’re already doing it.

What is cheugy? Pumpkin spice lattes, wall hangings with cheesy quotes, farmhouse style decor, Reef sandals, Patagonia vests, polos, Vineyard Vines, T-shirts with outdated jokes or sayings, belonging to a fraternity or a sorority, being obsessed with golf, and having “the 4th of July” as your favorite holiday.

Tori H., Social Media Manager

Male grooming is here to stay

So there you have it, folks. Male grooming? Not cheugy, so snag The Lawn Mower® 4.0 body and groin trimmer today. But your “inspirational” wall art? Cheugy to the max.



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