Everyone enjoys a movie now and then. If you’re feeling extra masculine, you might want to steer into stereotypes and marketing and enjoy one of the all-time great guy movies. We were feeling this way recently and did some homework (aka binge-watch a ton of movies) to make a new list for you. These are the 10 best guy movies of all time, according to your friends at MANSCAPED™. If you disagree with part of the list, don’t worry. We disagreed at the office, too.
1. Die Hard
Considered by many to be the greatest action movie ever made. It’s Alan Rickman’s first-ever movie role, and he kills it. Of course, Bruce Willis is at his absolute best. When you want an action movie in all of its glory, this is the king of them all.
Also, it definitely counts as a Christmas movie. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
2. Predator
If you’re going to pick the 10 best guy movies of all time, Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to make an appearance. It’s tough to pick the very best of his, but we think Predator and Terminator 2 are at the top of the heap. When it comes to old-school masculinity, Predator has to be the pick. The former governor stars in what might be the most testosterone-fueled movie of all time.
3. 300
The story of Leonidas and his 300 Spartans is one of the greatest tales of bravery and awesomeness in human history. Zack Snyder’s movie about it is . . . not a historical retelling. Instead, it takes the concepts of manliness epitomized by those real Spartans and somehow manages to dial it up from there.
This movie is a spectacle, and an enjoyable one at that. If you aren’t ready to get in a fight by the end, then you weren’t really watching.
4. The Expendables 2
We’ve already covered Willis and Schwarzenegger. Naturally, Stallone has to make the list too. He has a lot of entries, but why not the movie that features those other two guys, along with a ton of other great action stars?
The entire Expendables series is fun, but it peaked with the second installment. This isn’t about winning Oscars for amazing writing. It’s about action-based enjoyment.
Plus, watching Chuck Norris tell a Chuck Norris joke is a special moment in cinematic history.
5. Rocky
Stallone deserves a standalone entry, too, and that leads us to Rocky. If you want a movie that takes itself seriously and tells a great story, watch Rocky. If you want a simple time rooting for an action hero, watch any of the others. If you want a healthy dose of ‘Murica, watch Rocky 4.
6. Beerfest
Ok. We’re probably the only ones putting Beerfest on a list like this, and compared to the rest of the entries, it might seem out of place. That’s because everyone is sleeping on this modern classic. This is a movie that will sincerely get you to root for a group of guys to drink beer better than the other guys. That’s magical.
To quote the movie itself, “It’s good ol' fashioned fun.”
7. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
We gotta get Mr. Clint Eastwood on this list. Some might favor Dirty Harry, and for good reason, but this is one of the greatest westerns of all time. Many would agree that it’s the best of all the spaghetti westerns.
The final showdown is spectacular and all the right kinds of manly.
8. Wedding Crashers
You gotta find some good laughs among your guy movies, and this movie is packed full of them. If you’ve seen it even once, you’ll quote plenty of the memorable lines for the rest of your life. If you haven’t seen it yet, you’re in for a good time. Best of all, it will give you amusing memories the next time you’re dragged to a wedding you don’t really care about.
9. Fight Club
A macho movie with meta commentary about what it means to be a man?! That’s perfection.
Fight Club is clever, fun, inspiring, and masculine. It will make you think, disturb you a little, and entertain you endlessly. Brad Pitt and Edward Norton absolutely kill it.
10. Star Wars
The truest fans will appreciate the specific wording of this entry. We’re not talking about the entire saga; we’re referencing the original that started it all. That said, the entire original trilogy counts as great guy movies, and if you’re into the prequels or other parts of the Star Wars universe, enjoy them all to your heart’s content. Do we really need to explain what’s great about Star Wars?