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5 reasons to use cruelty-free & vegan grooming products.

Posted by Quinn L.



5 reasons to use cruelty-free & vegan grooming products

At MANSCAPED™ we love the furry animals. We love the scaly ones. We love the creatures that creep, crawl, prance, bounce, hop, and run around in forests and fields all day. We love the pets, we love the wild ones, and we love every animal in between.

What we do NOT love is the fact that animals are still used for testing human beauty, hygiene, and/or grooming products. We’re not going to get into animal testing in other industries as that’s outside of our own expertise. What we do know is that we’re able to bring you fantastic products without harming a hair on a single animal.

Do you need some more reasons? Ok. Here are FIVE big reasons why you should use cruelty-free and vegan grooming products:

  1. It’s NOT necessary
  2. Humans can be used to test things (humans that can actually talk and give feedback in words that other humans can understand) or computers can be used to test things (crazy concept, we know)
  3. Cruelty-free and vegan products can be healthier products in general
  4. Cruelty-free and vegan products can be less toxic products in general
  5. Cruelty-free and vegan products can be more eco friendly

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The hill we’re definitely going to die on

Before we really drive home all of the reasons above about why you should use cruelty-free and vegan grooming products, we want our readers and our members to truly understand our mindset and ethos here as a company.

We know we’re not sugarcoating this subject.

We have a solid stance on the subject of animal cruelty and testing on grooming products. We’re not here to argue. This isn’t a protest or some desire to be that company that cares. MANSCAPED™ refuses to test products on animals. It’s that simple. We don’t want to do it, and we don’t think that animal testing is in any way reasonable in our line of work.

Your balls are not rabbit balls.

Your body hair is not guinea pig fur.

It does not make logical sense.

We spend a lot of time making jokes and trying to have fun with hygiene products and everything that we do. Animal testing, especially any testing that crosses into the domain of cruelty, really kills that vibe.

For us, animal testing for cosmetic, hygiene, and/or grooming products is not ok.

Why should a little bunny have its skin burned off just so someone can figure out how a certain chemical reacts in a bottle of shampoo? That little bunny can’t talk. How is that helpful feedback?

Oh, and then, how about not using crazy chemicals in your shampoo?

Not necessary.

Our point is that we really want everyone to think about where their products come from and be a part of the solution to stop this cruel practice.

We know the fine print can be hard to read, and it’s usually full of big words that not even elite chemists understand. But, if you take a few minutes to browse that fine print, you’ll get a clear idea of what you’re buying.

We’re not just talking about the ingredients in the bottle but the character of the company that put it all together. The truth is, these products do have an impact on you and the world you live in.

Crop Reviver

That’s why at MANSCAPED™, we’ve taken action.

We are completely cruelty-free when it comes to our products.

In fact, our products are vegan as well.

We plaster it all over our website and our products so you as a member and customer know exactly what goes into our products that you use all over your body. You know what type of company we are.

The statements “cruelty-free” and “vegan” are solid bullet point statements on every one of our product pages. You know what is also on our product pages? The actual list of the natural ingredients we USE in our products.

We’re in the business of washing man balls here. This is arguably one of the most sensitive places on a human body, so we are going to take care of those balls of yours. Wait, we’re not done. We’re also going to take care of your man head hair, your man body hair, your skin, and all those other nooks and crannies from head to toe.

And if you’re not a man, we still want our products to be gentle and healthy enough that you can use them to your heart’s content.

We are able to do that because we actually care about how to make these products. We take our time, we do our research, and we don’t cut corners when it comes to choosing the best ingredients for the job. We don’t have some weird chemical concoction mixed up behind closed doors that caused three bunnies to die slow, horrible deaths just to save a few bucks.

Also, why would we use toxic chemicals in the first place? Why would we use harsh dyes? Why would we use crazy preservatives when Mother Nature has provided everything we need in plant, mineral, or water form?

We don’t. Ingredients from nature are what the human body needs. Humans have been cleaning themselves for thousands of years. We just have the know-how and the technology to do it better, but the ingredient base is the same. Plus, we know germs and bacteria are a thing now, so it’s a more standard practice to clean oneself regularly.

Ingredients like aloe, coconut oil, sea salt, kelp, tapioca starch, and water. You eat a lot of this stuff if you really want to think about it that way (but our legal team does want us to remind you to please don’t eat your body wash or deodorant).

Anyway, aloe and coconut oil is the stuff we’re choosing to use in our products. Other companies out there legit have formaldehyde in their products.

Anyway, back to our list…

The list

Alright, back to the FIVE big reasons why you should use cruelty-free and vegan grooming products:

It’s NOT necessary

Come on, did you not read the entire section above this one?

The Humane Society of the United States even reminds us that the FDA does not require any animal tests to demonstrate that cosmetics are safe. And, the FDA has some crazy rules.

The article further goes on to reinforce some of our main points for this argument as well:

“ Animal tests have scientific limitations because animals often respond differently than humans when exposed to the same chemicals, leading to inaccurate estimates of real-world hazards to people.

Results from animal tests can also be quite variable, even between two species (such as mice and rats), and difficult to interpret. Unreliable and ineffective animal tests mean consumer safety cannot be guaranteed. In contrast, non-animal alternatives, such as human cell-based tests and sophisticated computer models, can deliver results that more accurately predict human responses. Non-animal alternatives can also be faster and much more cost-effective than tests that use animals.”

In the EU—that’s the European Union, folks, “selling cosmetic products tested on animals is prohibited” as stated in an April 2022 article by the Obelis Group.

The Humane Society article also goes on to explain that “As of February 2022, eight states (California, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Nevada, New Jersey, and Virginia) have passed laws banning cosmetics animal testing.”

Remember, you have the power to create change through action.


Humans can be used to test things

It’s a crazy concept — humans testing products being used for humans. Humans who can talk and say, “hmmm Mr. Scientist, my skin is burning when I put this lotion on. It shouldn’t do that. That hurts.” And then Mr. Scientist goes, “I’m so sorry about that. Let’s remove that pronto so you’re not in pain and I’m going to take this back to my team and figure out what the problem is. Thank you.” Or something along those lines…

Or, as the Humane Society stated above, we humans are smart and have the ability to not use any live things at all to figure out tests. Things like computer models that simulate reactions.

Cruelty-free and vegan products are healthier products in general

It’s pretty hard to argue that aloe or coconut oil is bad for your skin (unless you have a rather unfortunate allergy). Aloe is that stuff you buy a bottle of for your sunburn and is literally 100% aloe juice. You can just rub coconut oil directly on your skin for more moisture. Like, you could do this in the wild. Just pick an aloe leaf, break it apart, and put the juice directly on your sunburn to relieve it. Your ancestors used this stuff.

Your body is sensitive. You don’t need harsh ingredients at all causing issues, so we don’t even mess with that. You're healthier when you use healthier products.

Cruelty-free and vegan products are less toxic products in general

Similar to the point above, when you use good ingredients in a product, you’re not messing with anything crazy. Your body is already exposed to a lot of harmful things, so why would you rub more toxins into your skin?

You shouldn’t, so we don’t.

Cruelty-free and vegan products are more eco friendly

Some of these products are used in the shower. That means that the chemicals in them go right down your drain and into the water system, ultimately to be dumped in a river or returned to the water table. Do you really want dangerous, unhealthy chemicals in that mix?

Even products that you don’t use in the shower stay on your skin. Eventually, you wash them off, and it’s the same cycle.

Final note

Are you ready for the cherry on top?

MANSCAPED™ is also completely endorsed by PETA and we have the “Beauty Without Bunnies” stamp of approval.

The bunny stamp of approval, guys. You know you like it.



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